Zinc & Manganese Chelate
Liquid Fertilizer Multiple Micro Nutrient
Zinc is required for the activity of various types of enzymes. Its basic function is related to auxins (growth promoting substances i.e. gibberellic acid, and inhibitors for vegetative growth like abscisic acid). Other functions related to the metabolism of carbohydrates, and proteins. The Zinc & Manganese Chelate is a foliar liquid fertilizer developed by Agmin Chelates. Zinc deficiency produces visible symptoms of stunted growth due to shortening of internodes ("rosetting") and drastic decrease in leaf size ("little leaf"). The correction of these visible symptoms should not be confused with the increased vegetative growth produced by a zinc-spray containing nitrogenous substances. Manganese deficiency appears as interveinal yellowing in young leaves. In grasses brownish spots or streaks appear at the base to middle part of younger leaves. The causes of manganese deficiency may occur for several reasons:
General Application Rates
Minimum Guaranteed Analysis
With lignosulphonate binder; surfactants; penetrants. Product Codes
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